Saturday, 19 September 2009

Moom - Walk Cycle - Bit of Polish


Here is Moom again, this time a better camera angle and the legs are straight when the heal touches the ground. Still alot to do. After viewing the video after processing there appears to be some pop in the knees, will slow in and slow out to compensate.

Comments welcome


Monday, 24 August 2009

Moom Character Rig

Hi Everyone,

This is Moom, a really cool character rig developed by a chap called Ramtin Ahmadi. Moom is free and can be downloaded from highend3d.
Among other rigs Moom is being used in the second series of the Jason Ryan Animation webinars that are held once a month for a two hour live web meeting demonstrating drawn and CG Animating in flipbook and Maya. I will be following along with the normal tutorials and trying my hand at the hard stuff taught in the webinar master classes.
So keep checking back to see what I have been up to.

see you soon


Sunday, 2 August 2009

Walk Cycle - 2nd Attempt


Since loosing all the data off my Digicel USB drive I have been trying to find some time to do the exerise again.

Here it is, this time however I have drawn the key frames while watching the tutorial, then I watched the tutorial again.

Finally I have drawn the in-betweens without refering back to the tutorial, pressing F3 and F4 to flip backwards and forwards to try and see the flow of motion.

It was quite hard to begin with to determine where I have come from and where I am going to so the animatin flows. I am determined to get good at this so I will keep at it.

Need to sort out the head animation as I would like it to gently move from side to side, I have just finished and wanted to update my blog. I will create a Maya version later in the week.

Let me know what you think so far.

Friday, 24 July 2009

Escape - NUKE for 3D Artists


Its been a while since my last post, been really busy with work and stuff.

I have been working through the latest Escape Studios course which is compositing with Nuke and the importance of Render layers.

Here is the Character video

Untitled from Andrew Henson on Vimeo.

Sunday, 28 June 2009

Walk Cycle - Flipbook JRA Tutorial


I have cleaned up the head animation so it looks like he is turning his head while walking.

Next stage is to take the stills and animate boris, will do that next week.

I have found my drawing has improved since I bought a tablet PC, drawing direct on the screen is so much easier than using a tablet.

Thursday, 18 June 2009


Here is boris doing a jump, as usual I have drawn a stick figure to get the timing and spacing right.

This is work in progress, I will polish the animation over the next couple of days.

Untitled from Andrew Henson on Vimeo.

Thursday, 28 May 2009

Boris - Constraints Tutorial


Here is young boris being a bit wooden demonstrating the use of constraints so he can bounce a ball, ride a unicycle and open a door.

Untitled from Andrew Henson on Vimeo.

Tuesday, 12 May 2009

JRA Skip - Final


Here is an update to the skipping girl animation, this time I have included the Boris rig doing the skip motion with a basic CG rope I modelled myself.

What do you think?

Boris Skip - Finish from Andrew Henson on Vimeo.

Saturday, 2 May 2009

JRA - Bouncing Ball Tutorial

Here is a piece of work I created when following the first tutorial in the Character Animation on-line course by Jason Ryan. Here we are taught how to animate a bouncing ball. Starting off in a really cool program called DigiCel Flipbook, we draw images of the ball at various stages of bouncing, first creating the key poses and then inserting frames to do the timing and finally drawing the inbetweens ensuring we have slow ins and slow outs. The second half of the tutorial goes on to add secondary motion to the ball, two pig tails are added and are drawn in at each frame demonstrating drag and weight. The second tutorial takes the hand drawn images into Maya were we use them as reference for animating a sphere bouncing. Attached is a movie containing the hand drawn images and the animated sphere in Maya.

Please take a look and leave a comment. thanks Andrew

Tuesday, 21 April 2009

Camera Tracking Test


Here is a test of a camera match solve I did with some skateboard footage from a Camera Matching course created by Escape Studios. Footage was matched in PFTrack and basic geometry created and rendered with Maya, movie file produced with Combustion.

I will work on adding the jumping lamp to the footage soon.


Saturday, 18 April 2009

Lamp Race


I have made some changes to the lamp animation.

let me know what you think.



Lamp Animation


Here is a lamp animation that I created when following a tutorial from the Animation module of the Maya Core online course. Presented by Pixar animator Jeff Pratt who now teaches animation at Escape Studios.

Hope you like it.

Wednesday, 15 April 2009

Rustic Scene

Hi Everyone,

Here is a short animation of a Rustic Scene from a tutorial in the Escape Studios Maya Core training course.

Everything apart from the chair was modelled, textured and animated by me. Hope the quality is ok as this is my first post :-)


Andrew Henson